Plaid Skirt + casual graphic tee

The weather in Nairobi has been playing tricks on us, one minute it's sunny the next its pouring non stop which reminds of the lives lost at the Solai dam tragedy last week,quite sad, my sincere condolences goes out to the affected families.

I have been struggling with what to wear to work for the last couple of weeks,there is a day it was really cold in the morning and I layered on sweaters only for the weather to change in the afternoon to  hot & sunny,  let me just say  I struggled that afternoon.sigh!  Am glad that it's starting to warm up and this look is just perfect for the office especially on a Monday you know how work gets hectic at the beginning of the week  and sometimes you just don't want to think too hard on what to wear so a casual graphic tee with a plaid pencil skirt equals to a  perfect outfit choice for work. Sometimes simple does it.

Outfit details

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