Hennessy Inspires creatives to Never stop. Never settle.

When I started taking my blog as a business and not just as a hobby, I longed for forums that would help creatives nurture and achieve their dreams. A forum where you learn from someone who has already gone through it and they share their experience and lessons learnt.Luckily,  I have been able to learn alot by stepping  out of my comfort zone and networking  with like minded individuals and I have learnt so much.

Last week on Thursday I had a chance to attend Hennessy Very Special launch of the second installment of its distinctive brand campaign - Never stop. Never settle. There was  a panel discussion of creatives in different fields  highlighting the state of the creative industry in Kenya.This is one of the forums I wish we had back then because  the panelists discussion was educative and inspiring, each panelist was from a different field in the creative industry i.e Joy Mboya, Executive director- The Godown Art center, Diana Opoti- Founder Designing Africa, Sammy Lusiola - Reelforge Media, Tim Rimbui - Music producer & Founder Ennovator music.

Speaking at the creative entrepreneurship panel discussion, Moet Hennessy Marketing Manager East Africa Alexandre Helaine noted that having existed for 252 years with 150 years in Africa, Hennessy as a brand believes in crafting the future. Through the Never stop, Never Settle campaign, Hennessy hopes to inspire creatives and future generations to follow their passions and pursue their dreams defining success in their own terms.

Photographer Mutua Matheka, one of the creative entrepreneurs featured in the campaign said that "whereas Hennessy has been strongly linked to music, I am humbled to be part of this new revolution that focuses on other forms of art besides music. Through the Never stop. Never settle campaign,Hennessy is inspiring and encouraging many young creative entrepreneurs to scale greater heights."

One of the panelists at the creative entrepreneurship discussion Tim Rimbui added that "There is a need for creatives to network in such forums in order to reach a wider audience and showcase their crafts."

So whenever you get a chance to attend a forum that will help you with your art, go for it. Attend as many forums as possible and position yourself with like minded individuals and you will go far. Remember just like Hennessy, "Never Stop. Never settle."

Images Courtesy of African Elite Group

Love & Light


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