Product review | Pampers Culotte pants now available in Kenya


I received the new pampers pants in July this year and I was among the few influencers who had a chance to try it out just when it was launched in the Kenyan market.

 These pampers culotte pants came at a perfect time. I was really having sleepless nights with my son because the diapers I was using on him before were seriously leaking and some nights I would have to change his clothes at night at least 3 times. It was really frustrating for both of us, he wasn't getting a good night sleep as I would wake him up when he's asleep just to change him.

When I started using the pampers pants I felt a sigh of relief. The pampers culotte pants are just perfect, they absolutely don't leak at all and when they get full, my son does not get uncomfortable. They are easy to wear and to remove as well. They are affordable too. There is a small pack size that has 32 pieces retailing at 600 shillings and the big packet retailing at 1200.

Since then I have been using pampers culotte pants and I doubt if I will ever go back to using a different brand of diapers.

I you have used the new Pampers pants, I would love to hear your experience. Please comment down below and tell me all about it.

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