Maxed Out

Happy Tuesday!

I know it's been a minute since I posted,apologies for that from now I will be very consistent with my posts.All the same I have been quite active on my other social media Pages like my  Facebook Page Instagram,do follow me to get to know more about my life besides just what you see on the blog.

Sometime Last week I bumped into this quote that I shared on my Instagram account.

"I appreciate the things that are moulding me into a better woman.Even if it hurts me or I don't understand it I need it for am becoming."

That quote made me think about my current situation in life,sometimes we go through tough times especially if you are a business person you can relate to this am sure,we tend to feel like we are complete failures just because we didn't attain a certain goal we had and we end up thinking and feeling so negative not knowing maybe we missed that job or didn't get that job promotion or didn't get that business deal simply because something better is coming our way.Well what I have come to learn this week is that it's never a failure but a lesson learnt and everything does happen for a reason so no matter what we should never give up but take every set back positively,learn from it and move on.

Outfit Details

Orange Maxi Dress - Tru - Lush (0718750711) or  here

Sunglasses - Vonette Boutique (0723049908)

Flat sandals - MRP or here

Photography by Steve Inc 

Thank you for stopping by,do have a positive week.




  1. The hair colour goes well with the dress 💕

  2. Looking great (as always!) in red/orange...although in honor St. Patrick's Day, perhaps you should have dyed your hair green!!!

  3. thanks Kevin!Next time i will...hehehe

  4. Thanks for sharing that quote Vonnete! I love your outfit!!! :-)


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