Her Success is not my failure

"Don't compare your life to others. There is no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when its their time."

At some point in our lives we go through the "comparison phase" where you wish you were like so and so. I struggled with that in my mid twenties where I wanted to be like my friends who were living their best lives at that time or so I thought. You know they were all in stable relationships others were having kids and there I was ... single and a lonely girl who lives with her dog,sigh! . I would ask God why me? I even got scared thinking I would be one of those old lonely women living with 10 cats...hahaha. 
Comparing my life to other people just led me to making bad decisions in life which I take them as lessons learn't. Never compare your life to others, you have no idea what they go through on a day to day basis. Especially in this era of social media people only show you the good side of their lives,no one will ever take a photo of the bills they are paying everyday or talk about the debts they are paying on twitter. So don't ever compare your version of real life to someone else's controlled online content.

                                                                                                               Photo Credits Aggrey Ojiambo

So learn to love yourself more by focusing on your own goals and ambitions. Don't let other people's success bring you down because your time to shine will happen someday.

Full outfit from Serinda Fashions

Heels from Instyle Kenya

Hand bag from Zanta Adeyde

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